Welcome - feel free to get angry and at the same time feel serene?!

See the Abuse: Gill


Introducing our three-color screenprint—part of a limited series exploring societal taboos. This particular print, one of three, is rendered on heavy cartridge paper, measuring approximately A4 in size.

The series challenges perceptions by using a Snellen Chart and a 3D, block sans serif font to shed light on the uncomfortable truth of how society often overlooks or romanticizes misogynistic treatment of women in the arts. The prints tackle the complex narrative where abusers are celebrated as visionaries, and their victims are either forgotten or cast as mere muses—participants in a troubling cycle that society deems necessary for the artist's talent to shine through.

This print is more than an artwork; it's a conversation starter, inviting you to reflect on the often-unseen aspects of our societal fabric. Limited in number, each piece is a distinctive exploration of a challenging theme.

'Gill is an absolute cockwomble'