Welcome - feel free to get angry and at the same time feel serene?!

Stitch Boxes

Welcome to our collaboration!
You and me. 
Let's do this!

When I was a young girl, I was bought cross-stitch samplers. They were a staple of my youth. I was given them to practice my 'domestic skills.' When I think back to the sampler statements, I think about how indoctrinating the messages were. I adored doing them, but they were sexist. I wanted to flip that and create samplers that say what I wish I could have said. I've created these samplers to be as free as possible. Please approach it in any way you'd like!  Do any stitch you want! I can't wait to see what you do. Upload it and tag me in when you're done. I'd love to see what you've made and give you a cheer!!! Thank you for buying my work, and don't forget to display it!

Here's the lowdown on embroidery floss: it usually comes in six strands twisted together. to start the work, you need to split the thread into two strands. This can be tricky, there is a knack to it. I have some demos on my Vimeo; but there are some great tutorials all over. Everyone develops their own technique, so just keep at it!

Personally, I use satin stitch. satin stitch is like the superstar of embroidery stitches. It's perfect for filling in shapes with these sleek, parallel stitches. It's the one I use if I have a variety of colours. 

But if I want to do something a bit sexier, I bust out the Blackwork-style variety of stitches in one colour. You can find some inspiration for Blackwork ideas here

RSN Collection "Section from a Blackwork Stitch Sampler", worked by Pansy Irish in 1973